Secondary III • 2mo.
Hi! If I have a question for my math homework will a teacher be able to help me in English? like if I call or text too?
Can someone help me with this question?
The sum of two consecutive numbers is 51. What are the two numbers?
Explanation from Alloprof
This Explanation was submitted by a member of the Alloprof team.
Thanks for your question!
Yes, most, if not all of Alloprof's services are offered in both French and English.
With regards to your question, one can find the two consecutive numbers of which the sum is 51 by trial and error. However, perhaps a simpler method is to find what number multiplied by two equals a number above or below 51 and start from there.
For instance, 50 (51-1) is the sum of 25 and 25. Naturally, 51 will be the sum of 25 and 26. You can use this trick for any number.
Don't hesitate if you need more help!