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Student Question

Postsecondary • 1mo.

why is the mass number not right is it because it’s an ion and not a neutral atom, what is the right answer and how do I get there



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Explanations (1)

  • Explanation from Alloprof

    Explanation from Alloprof

    This Explanation was submitted by a member of the Alloprof team.

    Team Alloprof • 1mo. edited December 2024

    Hello EfficientEagle2708, thanks for your question !

    I think gave the relative atomic mass, which is the atomic mass of an atom depending on the mass of the \(\ce{^{12}C}\) isotop.

    I think it was expected that you'd calculate the atomic mass of the selenium using the mass of protons and neutrons.


    Or, maybe your teacher were referring to the average atomic mass instead of the relative atomic mass :


    Anyway, I'd say i find this question pretty misleading and i wouldn't hesitate to ask my teacher to clarify about their expectations.

    Here's the link where I found thoses images :

    I hope I was able to help, have a good day !

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