Secondaire 2 • 15j
Hi Alloprof!
I have an upcoming science exam and I wasn't there for the explanation of osmose and diffusion. I don't understand the differences and what they are. I've read the page you have and its just not clicking :( An explanation would be really helpful!
Thank you!
Explication d'Alloprof
Cette explication a été donnée par un membre de l'équipe d'Alloprof.
Thank you for your question!
First, osmosis refers to the movement of water from a less concentrated environment to a more concentrated one. Water moves in order to reduce the concentration in the more concentrated environment, aiming to achieve the same concentration in both environments. The goal is to reach a concentration balance.
The goal is the same in diffusion, but it's the solute molecules that move. These molecules move from the more concentrated environment to the less concentrated one. This also results in a concentration balance.
Feel free to ask if you have any other questions!
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