How can I explain the definitions of railings easily from the short story Araby written by James Joyce?
I found a great definition on Quizlet : https://quizlet.com/409299158/araby-notes-joyce-flash-cards/ (slide #16), but it is too long, I won't remember it for my presentation. (Can you help me simplify it.)
I know that the main and important point is that the narrator in the short story is separated by railings from Mangan's sister and that these railings are referred to the Virgin Mary on the other side (in churches at etc.) / (How can I say this properly orally?)
Can I say it like this : railings are fences or barriers that separate people who pray from the Virgin Mary. In our case, the Virgin Mary refers to Mangan’s sister because the narrator sees her behind the railings.
Thank you and have a nice day! :)
Explication d'Alloprof
Cette explication a été donnée par un membre de l'équipe d'Alloprof.
Thank you for your question!
Unfortunately, Quizlet doesn't give me access to the definition of "railings" you are referring to. Feel free to submit the question a second time with the definition in it.
This said, the definition you provide at the end of the question seems acceptable to me. Perhaps you should consider mentioning in what part of the church they are located (because I suspect you are talking about railings in a religious building).
A word of caution: make sure to cite your references to not be accused of plagiarism.
Let us know if you have any other questions!
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