Grade 2 • 2yr.
I would like to know how I can have a good vocabulary in my presentation and also how to find go sites for a better information. Please, answer me ASAP. :)
I would like to know how I can have a good vocabulary in my presentation and also how to find go sites for a better information. Please, answer me ASAP. :)
If you want sites with good information, look for reliable sites. Often, reliable sites contain endings with .edu, .org, or .gov. Also, if you want good vocabulary, try to look up synonyms for your words, and choose one that you like. For example, instead of "good", you can say "excellent".
Explanation from Alloprof
This Explanation was submitted by a member of the Alloprof team.
To have a good vocabulary, you need to kno your subject. How can you do that? By doing some research! The Alloprof site is always a good option to do you research. You can also look up other websites. Just remember to check these elements to make sure it is a good reference :
I hope this helps! I you have another question, don't hesitate to ask! We'll be happy to help you!
Laurie :)