Grade 4 • 7mo.
I am trying to find info that explains the Iroquoian Society in the 1500's. The progression of learning forms from the Western Quebec School Board is wanting my child to know this information:
- Locates on a map the territory occupied by Iroquoian Society: St. Lawrence and Great Lakes Lowlands.
- Locates on a graduated time line events and people related to the history of the society (e.g. Columbia's discovery of Cabot's voyages, Cartier's Voyages, Donnacona)
Thank you
Explanation from Alloprof
This Explanation was submitted by a member of the Alloprof team.
Good evening WiseDolphin! :)
The following map shows you the geographic location of the St. Lawrence Lowlands and the Great Lakes.
By consulting the following fact sheets, you will also find dates related to Jacques Cartier's expeditions, Christopher Columbus's arrival in America, etc.
Unfortunately for now, only one of these fact sheets is available in English. We are working hard to make our content accessible to English-speaking students!
Let us know if you have any other questions! :)