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  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary IV • 2yr.

    Je ne comprends pas ce numéro quelqu’un pourrait me l’expliquer svp ?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    Je ne comprend pas la question.

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    Comment peut on déterminer la valeur de la constante d’acidité du deuxième H+ perdu par un polyacide fort donnant 2 H+ en laboratoire?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    Comment peut on déterminer la valeur de la constante d’acidité du deuxième H+ perdu par un polyacide fort donnant 2 H+?

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary V • 2yr.

    Lors d’une expérience de calorimétrie, on observe que 50 ml d’un liqueur inconnu absorbé 3626J lorsque la température passe de 20.0°C a 55.0°C.

    Calculer la capacité thermique (C) de ce liquide, sachant que sa masse volumique et de 1.120 g/ml.

    Je ne sais pas comment procéder avec ce problème. Merci pour votre aide ! Quel sont les étapes requises pour régler ce problème ?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    Déterminez, l'ordre de la réaction par rapport à chacun des réactifs.

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary V • 2yr.


    J’ai un labo de chimie à faire et on me demande si il y’a un lien être le pH, la concentration en acide acétique et la constante d’acidité, et si oui, quelle est la concentration en acide acétique du vinaigre (CH3COOH).

    Merci beaucoup pour votre aide!

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Grade 4 • 2yr.

    Pourquoi la lune a-t-elle des phases différentes 

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary V • 2yr.

    thank you so much. I also have this question that is related to the first question.

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    This is my chemistry question. Can someone pls help me.

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Postsecondary • 2yr.

    I'm trying to do my chemistry lab and I don't understand how I'm supposed to calculate the pH of a solution using thee ICE table without having the Ka.

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    My chemistry homework question is:

    The combustion of 0.500 g of propane (C3H8) causes a variation of 10.0°C in a calorimeter whose heat capacity is 2.312 kJ/°C. What is the molar heat of combustion of propane?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    I need help with secondary 5 chemistry homework. Can anyone help me?

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary III • 2yr.

    What is the simplest way to explain entropy? Like, what is it and what do people use it for?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    I have to find the number of molecules contained in 0.365 moles of caffeine (C8H10N4O2), I need an explanation please!!!

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    Hello I have a question to have a better understanding of Boyle-Mariotte's law!

    if the gas pressure doubles, how does the volume vary? and I would like to have the explanation of the answer also please

    thank you

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    Good afternoon

    My question is how to calculate the H + ion concentration of the solution ph = 10.70... Could you help me?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    Based on the molar mass of a gas, what can I say about its speed of diffusion? 

    thank you

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    Am I right when I say: "at a given temperature, the kinetic energy of two different gases is the same"

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.


    Is there other combustible gas than CH4 and H2? 

    Thank you, 

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    I need to explain why when we look at a laser ray, we can't see its trajectory, but when chalk powder floats in the air in front of it, we can suddenly see the ray. Can anyone help me? Thank you! 

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    At 25 degrees Celcius, the volume of a gas is 4,6L at a pressure of 98 kPa. What will be its volume if we triple its pressure without changing its temperature? 

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    How can I go from Celcius to Kelvin?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary IV • 2yr.


    The density of a gas can vary, but why?

    thank you!

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary IV • 2yr.

    Hello, I don’t understand why salt melts ice. Could you explain it to me using the atomic model please?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    True or false - Only endothermic reactions absorb energy.

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.


    Why are we increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in greenhouses?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.


    I have the following equation at equilibrium : 

    HF = H+ + F-   Kc = 6,7 x 10^-4

    How do I know if the direct or the indirect reaction is favored?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary IV • 2yr.

    What is the meaning of a negative temperature when using the calorimetry formula (Q=mc△t)?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    Good morning,

    What is the difference between an elastic and an unelastic collision?

    Thank you

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