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  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary II • 1yr.

    👋🏻 salut

    merci pour avoir répondre à ma question tout à l’heure , mais ce que je ne comprendre pas et que c’est quoi la différence entre une catastrophe naturelle et un territoire agricole en milieu à risque. ??


  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Grade 2 • 1yr.

    revendication économique de naskapis

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary I • 1yr.


    J'ai un examen de géographie est que la majorité des questions est sur Manille la captitale de Philippines et sur Wikipedia les informations sont trop longs et complexes à dit et que pouvez-vous m'envoyer des informations concernant Manille, tous ce qu'il y a sur les risque naturel et les parcs naturels.

    Pour me permettre de bien réviser pour l'examen.

    Merci beaucoup et pour l'effort que vous faites pour moi !!!

    AvocatPhilosophe4295 :D

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary I • 1yr.


    Ce sont quoi les facteurs ayant favorisés l'établissement humain à Tokyo?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Grade 3 • 1yr.

    Hello! I need help with the geography game, I don't know where the countries are? Can anyone give me tips on how to do this? Thanks!

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary I • 1yr.

    Salut, je ne comprend pas pas les fonctions d'un silo ou d'un rucher. Merci d'être disponible pour nous ma prof de géo n'est pas top.

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Grade 2 • 1yr.


    I would like to know how I can have a good vocabulary in my presentation and also how to find go sites for a better information. Please, answer me ASAP. :)

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Postsecondary • 1yr.

    Je voudrai une comparaison beaucoup plus approfondie entre le biosphère du climat basse et du climat de moyenne latitude. Merci de votre compréhension

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 1yr.

    Parler un peu de climat moyenne latitude

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Postsecondary • 1yr.

    quelle est la difference entre la biosphere de basse latitude et la biosphere de moyenne latitude?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary II • 1yr.

    Bon matin! Jeviens juste de commencer etude sociale. C'est difficile et j'ai besoin un peu d'aide.

    Voici mes questions:

    • C'est quoi une Communauté rurale et une Communauté urbaine?
    • Qu’est-ce qui fait en sorte que la population grandit plus vite dans certains pays ou régions que d’autres?
  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary I • 1yr.

    c'est quoi les hémisphères ou le quadrants??

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Grade 6 • 1yr.


    Cela fait longtemps que je ne suis pas ici. Quick question: Est-ce que Allo Monde fonctionne encore, puisque ca dit que le jeu a un probleme.

    Merci :)


  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary I • 2yr.

    Are the averages the thick lines?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary III • 2yr.

    How many countries are in the British Empire? Are these countries (England, Scotland, Ireland, etc) considered to be under one Empire or are they independent countries?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary I • 2yr.

    I have an exam of geography (naturel disaster and naturel hazard) and what do you think are the most important details i should look into more?

    I am looking forward to your answers :)

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary I • 2yr.

    I don't really understand what "pacific ring of fire" is.

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary I • 2yr.

    What is the difference between a natural disaster and a natural hazard?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary II • 2yr.


    What are the western and eastern borders of the Sahel?

    Thank you,

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    Hello! What are the causes and consequences of melting permafrost?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary II • 2yr.


    What does the ITER project mean in nuclear energy?

    Thank you

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Grade 4 • 2yr.


    is Halifax the capital of Nova Scotia?

    Thank you!

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary II • 2yr.


    Can you help me find the consequences of tourism on the Maritime Greenwich in London. I've been looking for 3 hours.

    Thank you

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Grade 4 • 2yr.

    What is the capital of Hong Kong province ?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary II • 2yr.


    What are the different types of volcanism?

    Thank you!

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary II • 2yr.


    Can you give me a fact that shows the island of Montreal isn’t the same as the city of Montreal?

    Thank you.

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.


    Can you help me with my geography assignment on the formation of reliefs please?

    Thank you

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    Good Morning!!I would like to know what are the consequences of forced migration on the people and on the place that receive them?

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