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Contest: It Pays to Use Alloprof This Summer!

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Student Question

Secondary III • 2yr.


Could you explain to me what a dissolution is? I am not sure I understand.

Thank you so much!


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Explanations (1)

  • Explanation from Alloprof

    Explanation from Alloprof

    This Explanation was submitted by a member of the Alloprof team.

    Team Alloprof • 2yr.

    Thank you for your question!

    Dissolution involves preparing a solution using a solute and a solvent. This solution must have a single phase, so it is a homogeneous mixture .

    It is important to know that the molecules of solvent and solute will remain the same as at the beginning.

    There are two types of dissolutions, dissolution molecular and dissolution ionic.

    Molecular dissolution

    During this dissolution, the molecules remain whole, they do not become ions since the bonds between the atoms of solute and solvent do not come apart. This solution therefore does not conduct electricity since there are no ions in solution. An example would be sugar water where glucose molecules will dissolve in water, but will not break down and form ions.

    Ionic dissolution

    As the name suggests, this solution contains ions. It can then be understood that the mixture between the solvent and the solute separates the molecules of the solution into ions. This solution is therefore an electrolyte, because it conducts electricity since it has cations and anions to direct the electric current. Salt water is an ionic dissolution since the salt (NaCl) separates into ions Na + and Cl- which allows the solution to conduct electricity.

    If you have other questions, do not hesitate to ask them on the forum, it is with pleasure that we will provide you with an answer! 😊

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