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Contest: It Pays to Use Alloprof This Summer!

Ask a school-related question in the Help Zone and you could win $100 for a summer activity. See the details

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Help Zone

Student Question

Grade 5 • 1yr.

C'est quoi un polydère?


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Explanations (1)

  • Explanation from Alloprof

    Explanation from Alloprof

    This Explanation was submitted by a member of the Alloprof team.

    Team Alloprof • 1yr.

    Coucou de nouveau !

    Un polyèdre est un solide ayant de faces planes formées de sommets et des arêtes.

    Ceci est couvert au secondaire, mais pour en savoir plus, consulte ce lien :

    J'espère que ceci satisfait ta curiosité : )

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