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Contest: It Pays to Use Alloprof This Summer!

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Student Question

Secondary IV • 1yr.

"Plant and animal breeders try to keep their breeding lines “pure” to prevent unwanted crosses with their breeding stock. How is this human activity similar to the conditions that cause allopatric speciation?"

I don't understand this question. Can I please have some help?


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Explanations (1)

  • Explanation from Alloprof

    Explanation from Alloprof

    This Explanation was submitted by a member of the Alloprof team.

    Team Alloprof • 1yr.

    Good evening CalmSwan8973.

    Welcome to the Zone!

    In nature, allopatric speciation occurs when a population of animal is kept in an isolated environment where the individuals cannot breed with individuals of another environment. Simply because they are isolated on an island for example, or if there is a some kind of barrier they can't cross. In this situation, genomes can evolve independently and , over long period of time, allopatric speciation is leading to new species appearance.

    Breeders are artificially using this method to prevent genes from outside population to interfere with their own. By this mean, over short period of time, they can for example, give rise to a cow that gives a lot of milk or a tomato plant that can resist low temperature.

    If you're interested to learn more about this subject, this website seems nice :

    I hope this short explanation did help you.

    Thank you for coming in the Zone.

    Good evening.

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