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  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Grade 3 • 1yr.

    My daughter is struggling with french reading comprehension. Basically she forgets what she reads . I'm looking for reading comprehension pages .. Little stories with questions that can be printed and answered

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary I • 1yr.

    Good evening,

    I was wondering how to capitalize titles. Yes, I saw your page on capitalization (, but my English teacher at school told me we could also simply capitalize every word in the title. Does that work as well?



  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary I • 1yr.

    Good morning,

    I have a question concerning adverbs.

    In my textbook, they mention sentence adverbs (fortunately, apparently, firstly...). However, I can't find anything related to sentence adverbs on the internet, so I was wondering if conjunctive adverbs are considered the same as sentence adverbs. Please help! I am very much confused.

    Thanks a lot! Happy New Year.


  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 1yr.

    What does "boost morale" mean?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary I • 1yr.

    I need help in this page. Thank you

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Grade 5 • 1yr.

    Bonjour:> est ce que vous pouvez m’aider???

    Je ne comprend pas se que veut dire la phrase

    Today Mark feel very good.merci

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary I • 1yr.

    What does this mean: "Sleep deprivation, according to one research, amplifies reactions in areas of the brain associated with anxiety, such as the amygdala and anterior insula."

    I'm having trouble understanding.

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Grade 4 • 1yr.

    allo c'cest encore moiiiiiii

    je ne comprend pas le mot gymnasium

    sil te plait allo prof aider moi

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 1yr.

    Is first person P.O.V, a code and convention of a short story...? I remember reading it somewhere, but now I'm not sure.

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 1yr.

    Hi! I am looking at this song. does not have any visuals, so I am having difficultly understanding what codes and conventions it uses. Can anyone help me :/ ?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 1yr.

    What are codes and conventions of a song (that is not a music video just an audio)?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 1yr.

    What are codes and conventions of a song (with no visuals)?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary II • 1yr.


    I need help i can't find why did Willis Carrier invented the air conditioner. I have been trying to find the answer but unfortunately no clue. Can you please help me.

    Thanks a lot

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 1yr.

    I struggle with identifying complex sentences. Is this correct?Complex Sentence:"I took along my son, who had never had any freshwater up his nose and had seen lily pads only from train windows.”

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 1yr.

    Je ne comprends pas le sens de ce paragraphe. Puis-je avoir de l'aide ?

    "We don’t know where we belong, but in times of sorrow, it doesn’t seem to be here, here with these silly pansies and witless mountains, here with sponges and hard-eyed birds. In times of sorrow, the innocence of other creatures—from whom and with whom we evolved—seems a mockery. Their ways are not our ways. We seem set among them as among lifelike props for a tragedy—or a broad lampoon—on a thrust rock stage."

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 1yr.

    J'essaie d'améliorer mon anglais en lisant "sojourners". Cependant, je ne comprends pas une certaine ligne. Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'expliquer :(

    The line: the coherence of matter dwindles and crumbles toward stillness.

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 1yr.


    I would like to know what does sharp means.

    the SHARP decline in tourists was a disproportionate penance

    Even with the meaning I don't understand

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary IV • 2yr.


    I am writing a short story for English, and would like some feedback. Should I ask for a teacher's help on Alloprof or are there any websites I can go to?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary II • 2yr.

    Bonjour, j'ai des difficultés en anglais à écrire des textes et je fais plusieurs fautes d'orthographes alors j'aimerai avoir des conseils pour m'améliorer

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary I • 2yr.

    What is a relative prounoun ?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary III • 2yr.

    I don’t know how to write a Texte about what would it be like to live on mars

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Grade 5 • 2yr.

    Why on a boat its called cargo but in cars or trucks its shipment

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    For a good opinion texte in english what are important step to have a good conclusion

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    Est-ce que pour l'examen ministère en anglais enrichi on a droit de faire des recherches extérieures pour l'écriture?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary III • 2yr.

    How do you answer a question like "what is your origin?"

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary III • 2yr.


    J'ai des difficultés concernant la réponse à ce numéro (les deux 1. ACROSS ET DOWN)

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary I • 2yr.


    j'ai un évaluation d'anglais sur le simple présent et le simple past. et je voudrais qu'ont m'explique comme il faut la matiere car on a eu des remplacents pendant la matiere et cétais pas vraiment expliquer comme il faut..

    merci d'avance :)

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Grade 6 • 2yr.

    I don't uderstand the history can you help me please?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary I • 2yr.

    I have difficulty with prepositions in English.

    Can you help me please.

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Grade 4 • 2yr.

    Hello I just wondering how do you do quizzes again or questions in exams this morning well kind of this morning a teacher from alloprof showed us how to do it but I really don't know how to do it

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