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Contest: It Pays to Use Alloprof This Summer!

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Student Question

Grade 4 • 2yr.


I don't understand if a solid is a prism or vice versa



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Explanations (1)

  • Explanation from Alloprof

    Explanation from Alloprof

    This Explanation was submitted by a member of the Alloprof team.

    Team Alloprof • 2yr.


    Good question!

    A prism is a polyhedron with bases (isometric and parallel faces) and side faces (quadrilaterals). A prism is characterized by its bases. So, if the bases of a prism are squares, we have a square-based prism.

    A solid is an object in three dimensions. It occupies a volume in space, therefore has one or more closed faces.

    Within the categories of solids, we find polyhedra, which can be convex or non-convex (concave).

    A convex polyhedron has line segments that join two apex that belong to the interior of it ... like the prism.

    In conclusion, by relying on this definition, the prism is a solid because it respects the characteristics of a convex polyhedron (which is a solid)!

    Looking forward to help you in the future😊


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