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Student Question

Grade 4 • 6mo.

hello i am in 4th grade i dont understand french


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Explanations (3)

  • Options
    Grade 4 • 1mo.

    hello i speak french and english and firt i didnt understand french and now i do learn in youtube

  • Explanation from a Help Zone Pro Explanation from a Pro

    Explanation from a Help Zone Pro

    This Explanation is reliable because it was submitted by someone Alloprof has identified as trustworthy.

    Help Zone Pro • 5mo.

    Hello, if you don't understand French, is there a specific reason for you to learn it? Are you an immigrant and you have to learn French? If so, I strongly suggest you take some courses of French class. To start with, you could search for French learning websites or apps like Duolingo maybe. Otherwise, you can go on Allô Prof and filter the French section to first grade and start there. Slowly, you'll start to understand how to speak and read. Truly, French is way harder than English, but it won't be that hard because many words are similar. Focus more on reading and not speaking. The more you read, the more vocabulary you'll be in contact with. You can worry about speaking later. Listen to French podcasts, music or even TV shows with captions to grasp a better understanding of the language and everything else will come to you. However, one common mistake is to be rushed. In fact, a language isn't simple to learn, and patience is key. Even I, who studied French for about 10 years now, still make a lot of mistakes whether I'm writing, or speaking and understanding texts. Really, I think that's where the beauty of a language lies. In spite of its difficulty, French is a nice language to learn, with over 300 million speakers. The MOST CRUCIAL THING however is to appreciate the language. You'll never get better if you don't like what you're doing. Here's a page which you can translate and understand its meaning:

    Français | Alloprof

    I hope that helped, and good luck with your learning.


  • Explanation from Alloprof

    Explanation from Alloprof

    This Explanation was submitted by a member of the Alloprof team.

    Team Alloprof • 6mo.

    Hi, hope you're doing well :-)

    It may be normal for you to not understand french if you've been raised by people who only spoke english around you :-) If you want to learn, I suggest asking your teacher about it, he may have some resources that he could give you! You can also play with the games we have on the website, but they might be too advanced if you don't know french at all.

    Have a good night!


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