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Contemporary World

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  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary V • 8mo.


    J'ai un travail à faire sur le conflit en Bosnie-Herzégovine. Je dois répondre à la question suivante: Selon le droit international « traditionnel », comment le principe de la souveraineté de l’État s’est-il articulé dès le déclenchement de la guerre civile en 1992? Je dois parler du droit d’un État au respect de sa politique intérieure. Je n'arrive pas du tout à trouver des faits pour répondre à la question.

    Merci pour votre aide!

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Grade 4 • 9mo.

    Bonne éclipse à tous

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Grade 5 • 10mo.

    What is the difference between a democracy and a dictatorship?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Grade 4 • 1yr.

    C'est quoi ça 🌈???????????

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 1yr.

    Actuellement nous faisons un projet et je suis Greenpeace,ce projet a pour but de défendre son parti,mais sauf que j’ai fais quelques recherches pour savoir c’est qui Greenpeace,mais c’est assez floue et le français redirigés sur le web est assez complexe.pourquoi vous me l’expliquer dans des mots plus explicites, merci 😊

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary I • 2yr.

    Je ne comprend pas quoi faire et quoi écrire,Voici la page de référence:C’est e.c.r

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary I • 2yr.

    Pour e.c.r, vous pouvez me donnés des infos ou des fiches pour situé dans le temps les grandes religion?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 2yr.

    Bonjours, est ce que la dette publique et la dette du gouvernement centrale c’est deux choses différentes parce que nous somme entrain de faire un projet sur la Grèce et dans un web nous avons trouver que la dette publique par rapport au pib est de 186,40%. Par contre, dans banque mondiale nous avons vue que la dette du gouvernement centrale par rapport au pib c’est de 208,8%. Donc si c’est deux choses différentes nous somme correcte mais si c’est la même chose donc cela signifie que notre web a donné des mauvaises donées et que banque mondiale a raison. Donc pour nous c’est très important de savoir si il y a une différence ou pas.

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Postsecondary • 2yr.

    la pyrq,ide est elle fqite en sabler ou en aile

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Grade 6 • 2yr.


    J'aimerais savoir c'est quoi la définiton de:

    Slam?Car je l'ai lu dans un texte mais je ne comprends toujours pas.


  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 3yr.

    Who declared World War II?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 3yr.

    Why do they call newcomers to Canada "immigrants", when we ourselves have immigrated to Canada

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 3yr.

    Hey ! I would like to know what dumping is?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 3yr.

    Good afternoon, what is globalization? Is it like the economy becoming global?

    What is interdependence?

    What are the economic barriers?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 3yr.

    Hello ! What are the main causes of WW2?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 3yr.


    What is the difference between authoritarian and totalitarian regimes?

    Thank you

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 3yr.

    Good afternoon, what is dumping?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 3yr.

    What is the difference between the classic left and right cleavage in politics?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 3yr.

    What characterizes the modern era best? Progress or stagnation?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 3yr.


    We had a class debate on lying, but I didn't really understand why we lie ?

    Thank you

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 3yr.


    I would like to know what the Bigmac index is.


  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 3yr.

    Good morning,

    Can you explain to me what a province is?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 3yr.

    Can you explain to me what is happening with the uyghurs in China (concentration camps) why China is doing this, since when, where and how.

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 3yr.

    What is the difference between colonialism at the end of the 19th century and current neocolonialism?

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 3yr.


    In my contemporary world class, the teacher talked about the international criminal court. Is it like the Supreme Court?

    Thank you

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 3yr.


    I would like to know what is a GDP?

    Thank you!

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary V • 3yr.

    Hi, I would like to know the difference between emerging countries, developing countries and developed countries! thank you !

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